A Look at the Topics for the Criminal Law Dissertation

Acquiring proficiency in criminal law can lead to numerous global job prospects. However, it is important to recognise that this topic has many moving parts and unanswerable questions. 

Students typically struggle with choosing a criminal law dissertation topic when requested to contribute research to their academic career. This brings us into play. These subjects will assist you in developing more specific and measurable hypotheses regarding this topic. 

Numerous themes in the field of criminal law assist law students in mastering a vast amount of information and becoming proficient legal graduates.

Criminal Law Dissertation Topics

Topics for BA Subjects:


  • Impact of rape on the victim’s mental state


  • Examinable are the impacts of rape on victims’ mental health, including PTSD, sadness, anxiety, and other conditions.
  •  The type of assault, the victim’s age, gender, history of trauma, and social support system can all be taken into consideration when determining the intensity and persistence of psychological symptoms.
  • A review of the research on cognitive-behavioural, group, and pharmaceutical therapies for the psychological problems of rape victims may be necessary to achieve this goal.
  •  Examine the reasons, such as stigma, why rape victims might be reluctant to seek help. 
  • Research synthesising could yield suggestions for bettering treatment and assistance for rape victims.
  1. How useful is the rape law, and is it a tool for framing innocent people? 


  • To investigate how rape laws have changed over time and how well they have reflected shifting public perceptions of sexual assault.
  • Evaluate how well the present rape laws protect victims and hold offenders accountable.
  • To investigate how rape laws enable victims to pursue justice and recover from their experiences. 
  • To research how forensic evidence could establish the innocence or guilt of rape.
  • A review of allegations of wrongful rape and strategies for victim protection.


  1. The role of labour rules in encouraging moral behaviour at work in multinational firms. 


  • International businesses are putting a lot of emphasis on work ethics and labour standards.
  • This goal aims to identify the labour laws that have the greatest influence on the work ethics of multinational companies. 
  • This study examines how labour rules help multinational companies have better work ethics. 
  • Multinational firms face challenges in upholding labour rules that promote worker ethics. 
  • This objective proposes changes to labour laws to improve the corporate work ethics of multinational enterprises.

4.The efficiency of the management-based attribution methodology. 


  • The objective is to assess multiple attribution models and identify the most effective model for enhancing management decision-making.
  • To evaluate the impact of the attribution model on the organisation’s performance.
  • This study aims to examine the role that management played in implementing the attribution model.
  • It would look at businesses’ challenges while using the attribution model and offer solutions.
  • To investigate the impact of the attribution model on marketing efficacy.


  1. The effect of the witness protection programme on the increase in criminal activity in the country. 


  • This necessitates a comparison of crime rates before and after nationwide witness protection initiatives were adopted. 
  • This goal necessitates the identification of witness protection programme failure reasons. 
  • Criminals aware of witness protection initiatives must be investigated to attain this goal. 
  • This goal necessitates weighing the costs of witness protection programmes against the advantages. 
  • Witness protection programmes may violate the rights of the accused; hence, this purpose necessitates an examination of its ethical implications.

Topics For MBA Subject 


  •  The significance of media news in the courtroom. Should newspapers be used as proof?


  • This goal necessitates investigating how media coverage influences court case perception. The investigation could also examine the ethics of media coverage in court.
  • The accuracy and legal admissibility of media reporting must be reviewed to assess media news credibility for court evidence. The findings could also provide techniques for improving media news evidence.
  • To investigate how media coverage affects jurors: This goal necessitates investigating how media coverage affects juries. The study could also examine whether media coverage in court has resulted in more wrongful convictions.
  • To determine the legitimacy of media case evidence, a legal analysis of media coverage as court evidence is required to accomplish this purpose. The research may also provide methods for ensuring the legality of media news evidence.
  • To investigate how social media influences courtroom media news evidence. The research could also examine the ethical and legal difficulties surrounding using social media evidence in court.


  • A critical analysis of lie detector effectiveness. Can the law rely on these kinds of tools?


  • To look into the creation and usage of lie detectors in law.
  • To examine the precision of deception detection and lie detectors.
  • To see into the moral and legal ramifications of lie detectors in criminal justice.
  • To look at how lie detectors affect police, witnesses, and defendants.
  • Investigate potential improvements to or replacements for lie detectors in alternative deception detection systems.


  • The effect of the death penalty on the relatives of those who have died. 


  • Does this instil even more contempt for the legal system?
  • To investigate the psychosocial consequences of the death penalty on bereaved families’ ability to cope.
  • To determine how the death penalty impacts the mental health and ability to recover families.
  • To analyse the efficiency of court assistance for the families of the deceased.
  • To learn how the death penalty influences the public perception of the legal system.
  • To investigate alternative closure methods for mourning families and their involvement in the criminal justice system.


  • A critical examination of cyberbullying and its connection to suicide. How does the UK legal system deal with such illegal acts?


  • To investigate the link between cyberbullying and suicide.
  • To evaluate the efficacy of current UK legislation and strategies in reducing cyberbullying.
  • To study the role of social media platforms in encouraging cyberbullying as well as their roles in preventing such crimes.
  • To learn about the impact of cyberbullying on mental health and the efficacy of treatments.
  • To research alternative techniques for combating cyberbullying and their potential to improve the current legal framework.


  • A comprehensive study of criminal law. I am finding the connection between crime and ethics.


  • Investigate the history of criminal law and its ethical consequences.
  • To investigate how ethics influences criminal law and legal decision-making.
  • To investigate the ethical and social consequences of criminal law.
  • What is the relationship between criminal law and moral philosophy?
  • Investigate ethical rather than legalistic issues in criminal law.


Topics For Ph.D. Subject

  • The consequences of incarceration on youths’ minds.


  • This goal could look at how incarceration affects teens’ sadness, anxiety, and PTSD.
  •  Teens’ social development may be harmed by imprisonment, particularly their ability to form friendships, define themselves and reintegrate into society after release.
  •  This goal could look into how incarceration affects adolescent academic achievement, such as graduation rates, access to educational resources, and ability to attend college.
  • Teenage incarceration may have an impact on their physical health, including their susceptibility to infectious infections, access to care, and ability to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • This goal could investigate how incarceration affects teen recidivism, including recidivism factors, rehabilitation programme efficacy, and family and community support.


  • A look at the legal distinctions between male and female rape. Should a difference be made?


  • This purpose could include examining rape laws in various nations and comparing male and female rape laws.
  •  This purpose could include investigating whether gender-neutral rape laws protect both male and female victims and, if so, whether separate laws are needed.
  •  This purpose could look into gender stereotypes, cultural views towards rape, and the influence of the media on public opinion. 
  • This goal could investigate how rape legislation influences rape case reporting and prosecution, as well as the difficulties that male and female victims encounter when reporting rape. 
  • This aim could look at how rape legislation influences rape prevention, specifically the effectiveness of preventative programmes.


  • A case study of the investigation issues that lawyers encounter. 


  • What legal flaws allow the guilty to go free?
  • This objective could include criminal investigation laws, law enforcement responsibilities, suspect rights, and evidence collection and presentation.
  •  Lawyers investigating criminal cases confront numerous challenges, such as a lack of information, a desire to convict, and the need to balance client interests with justice.
  • This goal could examine legal loopholes that allow the guilty to walk free, such as ambiguous crime definitions, technicalities used to evade prosecution, and the legal system’s inability to handle complex cases.
  •  This goal could investigate how new legislation, technology, and public awareness affect criminal case investigations.
  •  This goal could go into criminal lawyers’ ethical and professional responsibilities, such as confidentiality, due process, and accused rights.


  • An examination of the relationship between criminal penalties and human rights violations.


  • It might evaluate how community service, fines, and incarceration affect essential human rights, including the right to a fair trial and immunity from torture.
  • This goal might look into whether criminal penalties for hate crimes, prejudice, and police brutality decrease these kinds of instances. 
  • Universal Declaration of Civil and Political Rights and Consideration of Human Rights. 
  • Human rights violations like bias, corruption, and police brutality may undermine criminal law.
  • This goal could examine how criminal law penalties affect offenders’ access to jobs, healthcare, and educational opportunities.


  • An examination of the sales tax levied on FMCG industries. Should this expense be incorporated into the product?


  • This goal would investigate how sales tax affects FMCG manufacturers’ profitability, competitiveness, and market share. 
  • Assess the effectiveness of sales tax income: The effectiveness of sales tax revenue as a government revenue stream will be evaluated. 
  • To evaluate the impact of sales tax on consumers: This goal would be to investigate how sales tax affects customers’ purchasing power, spending habits, and economic well-being. 
  • To examine product sales tax viability, evaluate the product’s pricing, demand, and profitability after accounting for sales tax.
  • This goal entails suggesting sales tax policy changes based on research.


Still unsure whether Criminal Law is the subject for you? Continue reading…


Who Should Take Criminal Law As A Subject? 

As previously said, enrolling in criminal law studies can be difficult and time-consuming. But have you ever considered why you should choose this subject and which students it is best suited to? So, we’re here to tell you about the kind of students who might pursue a criminal law career. 

Most typically, students who are interested in crime documentaries and are continuously solving cases in their heads are the ones who opt to study criminal law.

Numerous Justifications For Choosing A Criminal Law Degree Programme

What will be your primary motivation for enrolling in a criminal law degree programme? Better work opportunities and a fat salary. However, several additional factors, in addition to this one, will demonstrate the significance of studying criminal law. Discuss some more important factors you should consider before enrolling in a criminal justice programme.

First Reason: Law Is Fascinating 

One of the main reasons you should pursue a career in criminal law is that students who study the subject lead disciplined lives with sharp minds. Additionally, working as a criminal lawyer will require you to examine numerous cases with unique backstories and hints, sharpening your mental faculties and keeping you active all day.

Second Reason: Law Puts Your Intellectual Mind to the Test

Students worldwide who are willing to take on challenging coursework and regularly embrace new difficulties ought to seriously consider criminal law. Studying criminal law might be difficult, but it can also be incredibly advantageous since it allows you to solve problems and understand concepts beyond your wildest dreams. It will lead to the advancement of your problem-solving strategies.

Third Reason: It Provides You With The Information To Comprehend Justice

It is an extremely appealing and convincing argument for students who are aware of contemporary issues, the increase of injustice that has persisted for decades, and the broken justice system. If you share these sentiments, here’s your chance to inspire yourself and use your legal knowledge to aid in pursuing justice for others. The legal system and society can be greatly impacted by students studying crime.

Fourth Reason: A secure career path is promised by studying law.

The legal profession consistently provides stable and secure employment, unlike most unstable careers. Working in the legal industry can help you build a brighter future and have a sizable financial account when you retire. Additionally, countless companies hire lawyers on both temporary and permanent contracts, so law students never have to scrounge for work.

For instance, in the United States, the employment opportunity for lawyers is comparatively high, with the possibility of a 6% growth by 2028.


Fifth Reason: Legal Knowledge Is Also Beneficial in One’s Personal Life

A widely recognised saying goes, “Knowledge Is Power.” The same can be said for knowledge of legal studies. Not only will the study of law benefit you in your professional life, but it will also enable you to find solutions to everyday problems. 

Studying law will also endow you with excessive knowledge regarding the regulations and rules that govern contemporary society’s legal system. Which of the following can avert your participation in scams?


 Evolution Of Criminal Law

The Sumerian people, now called Iraqis, authored the first set of criminal laws between 2100 and 1500. The initial publication elucidating criminal law occurred after William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy’s invasion of England in 1066. During the 18th century, European law gained significant traction and initiated discussions on presenting criminals in court and conducting trials.

The British government instituted a legal framework known as common law. However, the primary objective of common law was to establish and revise the governing body’s regulations that oversee individuals’ conduct in civil and criminal affairs. 

Judges are responsible for formulating, revising, and expanding laws under common law. During Christopher Columbus’ voyage in 1492, European colonies were established in America. By adopting the common rules of North America and assimilating into the British colonies before the American Revolution. Which subsequently denied the United States Constitution and established an independent nation with its constitution.

  Since its official approval in 1789, this constitution has been called the “supreme law of the land.” In contrast, the judiciary adhered to the British model by applying the standard legal system. The norms and regulations of the common are still in effect, which provides a comprehensive definition of crime.


Three Different Sorts Of Criminal Cases

Three criminal cases are presented in the courtroom: treason, misdemeanours, and felonies. Consider the descriptions of the three criminal cases in brief. 


  • Misdemeanours: 

These cases are amenable to settlement through monetary penalties or the relinquishment of the property. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for misdemeanour cases to involve prison sentences of one year or less.


  • Treason:

Treason is defined as a violent or betrayed act against one’s nation, including uprisings and war crimes. Any form of selling classified government information constitutes a high-level treason offence.


  • Felonies:

Felons carrying severe penalties, including possible incarceration in a federal state prison for a year or more, are designated for the most egregious offences. Certain felony offences, including homicide, are punishable by death in the majority of states (though not all). 


  • Felicity Of Types Of Crimes 
  • Assault incidents
  • Drug trafficking extortion 
  • Robbery and abduction 
  • Cybercrime (CCY)
  • The bribery 


There Is A Variety Of Criminal Activities.

Amid the rapid progress of the contemporary developing world, although certain aspects have become considerably more streamlined, the crime rate has concurrently escalated. The consequence of this is that the law becomes increasingly stringent daily.

Various crimes have occurred for the past ten years; while most cases are resolved, the majority are interred beneath the paperwork. Therefore, we shall now describe the various categories of criminal offences and the accompanying crimes. 

For clarity, criminal offences have been classified into five distinct categories.


  • An offence committed against an individual
  • Violation of property 
  • Initial transgressions
  • Statutory offences
  • Financial infractions


Our Writing Service For The Finest Dissertation Topics In Criminal Law 

As stated previously, pursuing criminal law encounters numerous obstacles until the end of the semester. Innumerable tasks, including assignments and physical project submissions, must be executed precisely to complete the law degree; this consumes excessive time and effort, and contemporary students cannot fulfil the prerequisites for their criminal law dissertation topic.

Top Assignment Writers, a reputable website offering assignment services, is therefore available to assist you in overcoming these obstacles to achieve your objectives. Furthermore, we provide superior Criminal Law Dissertation Topic writing services, should you need them to complete and submit your assignments.

Positive Aspects Of Selecting Our Service: 


  • The assignment will be submitted before your deadline. 
  • Our professionals are here to help you at all times. 
  • Our legal professionals possess years of experience. 
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Not only have we supplied you with a comprehensive guide on how to become a better criminal lawyer, but we have also provided you with a guide on how to spread the light of justice. If you are willing to use our professional guidance for the criminal law dissertation topics and ideas, do not delay. Get in touch with us right away.