persuasive essay topics
Assignment Writing

150+ Unique Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing a persuasive essay can easily make any student cry because it is rather hard, especially when you have to pick and research a unique idea, which requires a set of expertise that students don’t usually have. If you are one of those students who got an assignment for persuasive essay writing and are getting frantic looking for how to write a persuasive essay, you have landed at the right place.

In this informative blog, we highlight the latest and trending essay topics for middle school and college and guide you on writing and structuring your persuasive essay. But before we move toward the topic, let us see what a persuasive essay is and why choosing an excellent topic for essay writing is vital. 

What Is A Persuasive Essay & Importance of Picking the Best Topic?

A persuasive or argumentative essay is a scholarly paper that college professors assign. The purpose behind writing this essay is that your professor wants you to analyse critical & analytical skills along with writing and research expertise. 

Therefore, it becomes necessary that the student choose an appropriate and unique topic on which they can prepare enough arguments to persuade the professor that their central idea is legitimate easily.

How Do Persuasive Speech Topics Differ From Argumentative Topics?

Both persuasive and argumentative essays present a situation and take a stand – either supporting or opposing. However, Persuasive essays or speech writing aim to gain the support of the readers or audience. They craft to persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view. On the other hand, argumentative essays strive for the reader to accept the presented perspective as the ultimate truth. They offer a balanced view of the issue and use evidence and reasoning to support the writer’s stance.

Contrastingly, argumentative essays involve investigating the topic, including published literature, and collecting or generating evidence empirically through experiments, surveys, interviews, or observations, evaluating it in scientific and according to clearly-defined ways. 

Moving on, multiple types of evidence can be used, such as logical, factual, statistical, or anecdotal. The significant difference is that authors or students use facts, evidence, and research to support their position. When you start writing argumentative essays, you must understand multiple viewpoints. 

How To Structure Persuasive Essay 

Here are the steps to follow to structure your essay correctly.


The introduction captures the reader’s attention. So, introduce background information. Most importantly, it contains a thesis statement – the entire paper’s main claim revolves around it, so be careful.

Main Body

Next, the body of your essay that contains all supporting information and argument development aimed at proving the thesis. Each paragraph of this section should explore a particular aspect of your thesis statement. Furthermore, the paragraph’s topic sentence announces the element and how it supports your research work. Also, the paragraph’s body keeps the topic sentence with arguments, and a final sentence concludes the paragraph. 


Lastly, the conclusions section supports the arguments, synthesizing the information presented. In addition, your conclusion also reflects the subject’s importance, implications or applications, and questions raised. Or even on some related persuasive essay ideas that could prove attractive to explore.

Importance Of Writing Persuasive Essay 

Persuasive writing is a foundational skill introduced to students at the beginning of their academic journey. However, it represents a dynamic and enjoyable expression to spark discussions on chosen subjects. This approach, on the other hand, challenges students to adopt a clear stance on specific topics. Use reasons and strong arguments to convince readers to agree with the writer’s point of view. While crafting a persuasive essay, students have to investigate their topic and conduct a comprehensive analysis. Moreover, it prepares students for real-world situations where they must convince others. Which makes it a valuable tool for their future careers and personal life.

How To Write A Persuasive Essay 

Now, you have learned what a persuasive essay is, its importance, and how it differs from an argumentative one. It’s time to familiarise yourself with the most searched online question: How do you write a persuasive essay? 

Here are some suggestions that might simplify the process of writing persuasive essays.

Pick The Latest And Trending Topic

Your persuasive skills will shine like a star when passionately supporting something you genuinely believe in. One of the essential steps in writing an excellent persuasive essay is selecting a topic that resonates with your convictions. While research remains vital, having a strong opinion about your research topic will fortify your argument.

Do Research

To make your essay stand out, conduct thorough research and persuade your readers to adopt your viewpoint while understanding the opposing perspective. Learn about both sides of the debate and try to dispel any uncertainties by skillfully addressing opposing viewpoints.

Recognise Your Target Audience

Before you persuade your readers, could you get to know them? Modify your approach to match your target audience. For instance, if you support removing standardised testing from school systems, consider that your audience is likely parents if you find delving into readers’ minds challenging. You can explore professional essay writing services from experienced writers skilled in appealing to diverse audiences.

Create A Catchy Outline

Now, before you start writing, construct a persuasive essay outline. This helps you structure your thoughts and organise your research. Establish your essay’s framework. Please elaborate on the main points, pairing them with relevant supporting evidence from cited sources.

Craft Unique Introduction

An eye-catching article begins with a practical introduction, typically the first paragraph. Your introduction aims to provide necessary background information and appeal to the reader’s sensibilities. And capture their attention from start to end. Furthermore, the introduction should also feature your thesis statement, acting as a roadmap for the ensuing content.

Body Section Paragraph

This section is the core of your essay, using data and evidence to support your thesis and address opposing viewpoints. Each body paragraph contains a topic sentence, pertinent supporting sentences, and a closing or transition sentence. This structure, however, maintains focus, delivering clear and concise information. 

Not just that, but it’s also an opportunity to discuss opposing opinions, ensuring claims are substantiated with credible and pertinent information. Did you know that one of the reasons students choose the Reflective Essay Writing service is that they find body paragraph writing too exhausting?


The persuasive essay’s conclusion, which sums up the entire piece, comes last. It will rephrase your thesis, condense the arguments you used in support of it, and present your conclusion. This is where you give your call to action if urging readers to take action on a particular issue.

Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Now buckle up your straps and grab your coffee because we are moving towards the list of best persuasive essay topics in 2024.

Persuasive Essay Topics For School

  • What should the punishment for cheating be?
  • Is it appropriate for students to bring phones to class?
  • What’s the most exciting subject to learn?
  • Should homework be required?
  • Does your school handle bullying well?
  • Are dress codes a good idea for schools?
  • Is the school day too long?
  • Should students get to choose what they study?
  • What school rule would you change?
  • Can Best friends sit together in the classroom?
  • Does school start too early?
  • Should students take a self-defense class?

Good Persuasive Essay Topics For University Students

  • Should churches pay property taxes to support schools?
  • Teachers should also have to go through professional tests like students.
  • Social media should be banned on school premises.
  • Is getting a college degree worth its price?
  • Is home education better than studying at a school or college?
  • It is illegal for students under 18 to drop out of school.
  • Students with good attendance must be rewarded.
  • Allow students with good academic results to go to college free of cost.
  • It is not the place of the government to dictate to pupils what they should learn.
  • Making the education sector free can decrease poverty rates. Is that true?

List Of Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics For College Students

  • Cats Vs. Dogs: Who is better?
  • Why do we invest more time in protecting nature
  • The influence of reading on children’s minds
  • People should not consume animal-based products
  • Online ads send unhealthy signals to teenage girls
  • Laboratory tests on animals have to be banned
  • Factors in support of surveillance tools
  • Criminals who share kids’ pornography should be sentenced to death
  • Every educational system offers bullying awareness programs
  • Using nuclear weapons to defend the country from foreign invaders is a wise move.
  • Suffering from anorexia nervosa is more dangerous than suffering from obesity
  • Teachers should start teaching etiquette in all schools
  • Everyone has a right to switch to a different religion
  • Celebrities should have more time for private life
  • Students have a right to pray in school whenever they want
  • School boards should kick out the bullies
  • Put the Paparazzi in jail if they get too annoying
  • School uniform regulations do not correspond to the constitution
  • Before babysitting, a person must be at least 18 years old.
  • Students should not be forced to wear uniforms
  • Parenting lessons are essential for all future parents
  • Citizens should pass mandatory driving tests each year
  • It is better to read original books than watch movies based on them
  • It is okay to have sex or gender education in schools
  • Kids should be paid if they take part in doing chores
  • Young adolescents should all attend parenting classes
  • Recreational marijuana still should not be legalised
  • No computers will ever replace traditional books
  • Cheating on a spouse should be made illegal
  • American football should be banned as a rather violent game
  • Same-gender marriages should be allowed everywhere

10 Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics 2024

  • Should the government provide free internet access to all citizens?
  • Students should be required to take a gap year before starting college.
  • Should the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food production be banned?
  • The United States should adopt a four-day workweek.
  • Online dating should be encouraged as a viable way to find love and relationships.
  • Can alternative medicine be considered a legitimate form of healthcare?
  • The government should provide financial incentives to encourage people to switch to electric vehicles.
  • Shall prisoners be allowed to vote in elections?
  • Should cities impose a congestion fee to lessen air pollution and traffic?
  • Should fast food companies be held liable for the health consequences of their products?

Summing Up

This informative guide encompasses all the essential aspects of crafting a persuasive essay. From importance to structuring, we’ve covered every single detail. By following this method, you may become an expert in persuasion, which will help you effectively communicate your points of view to capture your audience and possibly earn an exceptional grade.