Who Invented Maths
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Who Invented Maths? The History of Mathematics

Maths is a language we all use, and it’s part of our daily life. Have you ever wondered who invented maths? Well, maths wasn’t created by one person. It’s a group effort and part of our history. Math is seen as a universal language used worldwide. It started from the ideas of many intelligent people. Maths can change and grow. It has been developed and improved over time. Unlike natural laws, which exist even if we don’t understand them, maths became simple and complex over time.

Who Invented Maths

A single person does not invent maths. We know mathematics these days is often perceived as a universal language that transcends cultures and borders. Moreover, it’s vital to recognise that maths, like any human endeavour, began in the minds of ingenious thinkers from different corners of the world.

Moving on, the concept of who invented maths underscores its evolving nature, just like laws of nature, which exist independently of human cognition. Over generations, mathematical systems were developed and refined by humans. However, the starting point of maths was simple ideas like the Pythagorean Theorem or quadratic equations. Instead, it began with much simpler concepts.

Maths came in ancient civilisations thousands of years ago. Mesopotamia, known as the ‘Cradle of Civilisation,’ 

In this area, old mathematicians created ways to count and record numbers, which was necessary for management and money. Babylonian maths was a crucial part of education in ancient 


The ancient Egyptians were good at early maths, especially shapes and sizes, called geometry. However, they used their knowledge of geometry to measure land, build significant buildings, and figure out the size and space of different things very accurately. People of Egypt didn’t just make impressive buildings; they also knew about shapes and sizes in ways other people still needed to learn.

Who Is Known As The Of Mathematics

Archimedes, an ancient Greek mathematician from Syracuse, is widely famous as the “Father of Mathematics” and the person who invented maths. He significantly contributed to various fields, such as maths, astronomy, and physics. Consequently, the father of mathematics is famous for formulating important ideas in maths, now popular as the Archimedean property and the Archimedes principle. He is also known for laying the groundwork for what we now understand as calculus. Archimedes, moreover, wrote extensively about maths, and much of his writings are letters to Dositheus of Pelusium, who oversees maths in Alexandria.

Significant Reasons Why Mathematics Came Into Being 

The creation of maths was necessitated by the real-life problems that early people needed to solve. Therefore, the essential reasons that took part in the formation of concepts of maths need to be examined to understand why maths came into being

 Maths Is A Problem-Solving Tool

People who invented maths had the intention to do problem-solving at their fingertips. In addition, early humans faced many challenges, like following the movement of stars and managing resources or trade. They used maths as a structured method to tackle these issues. It helped them make predictions, plan, and improve different parts of their lives.


Quantification & Measurement

Maths was crucial for measuring and counting, especially in farming and business. Old-time farmers used maths to determine the size of their fields, decide the best number of plants per area, and handle their crops. Traders and sellers also needed maths to determine how much things were worth, set fair prices, and keep track of deals correctly.

Even now, maths is a big part of life. We’re still learning about different ways to measure and count things. Our maths teachers were right: we see maths in almost everything. Even though it might look different, the maths we use today results from thousands of years of people working together.

Evolution In Architectural Industry 

Maths were essential in building and architecture. People like the Egyptians and Greeks used maths to plan and make buildings that still amaze us today. You might not think it’s a big deal when you glance, but old-time construction needed a lot of maths. From the exact size of the Great Pyramid to the balanced design of Greek temples, maths was the heart of new ideas in architecture. 


Helps In Understanding Astronomics 

Early societies needed to watch and understand what was happening in the sky. They used maths to help them do this. With maths, they could guess when things like eclipses would happen, follow the paths of planets, and make calendars for farming and religious events. These early uses of maths lead to creation of modern astronomy and space exploration.

Excellence In Navigations

During the exploration age, sailors started using maths as a significant tool for travelling. They used a type of maths called trigonometry to figure out where they were at sea, make accurate maps, and discover new places. If it weren’t for progress in maths, these important journeys of discovery would have been a lot harder.

Enhancement In Empirical Knowledge

Maths aided people in recording and organising what they learned from experience. It also helped them keep track of things like how crops grew and where stars moved. Maths converted these observations into data that could be studied and used to plan for the future. The hard work of analysing this data led to the Scientific Revolution, which started modern sciences.

People who invented maths solved the challenging problems they faced in ancient times. As societies grew and changed, so did maths. It was practical and met the needs of the time, which is why it was invented and kept improving. Simply put, maths helped make sense of things and made them more accessible for people in ancient times.

Origins Of Mathematics 

People have been developing mathematics for decades, beginning a long time ago. It’s hard to say precisely when or where mathematics began. But by looking at old objects and writings, we can understand how maths has grown over time.

Prehistoric Beginnings (40 Thousand Years Ago) 

Maths started with early humans who invented maths. They found ways to count things long ago, as shown by what we’ve seen. This basic maths was essential for keeping track of what they owned, understanding nature, and marking time. Moreover, most people began by counting on their fingers.

Earliest Mesopotamia ( c. 3400 BCE)

The very first written examples of mathematics come from ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerians who invented maths and lived there created symbols to write down numbers. Understandably so, the societies used maths for things like managing their society and economy. As seen on the clay tablets from that time have maths tables and problems on them.

What’s remarkable is that in Babylon, they had a way of writing fractions quickly. Evidently, they were good at dealing with quadratic and cubic equations, calculus, and algebra. We still use these early maths ideas in today’s maths.

Ancient Egypt (c. 3000 BCE)

The Egyptians made significant contributions to early maths. They used hieroglyphs to show their deep knowledge of geometry. Moreover, this knowledge helped them measure land, build things, and collect taxes. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, from around 1650 BCE, is a famous example of their maths work. Like the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians have some of the oldest maths documents we still have today.

Ancient India (c. 2000 BCE)

Indian mathematicians immensely helped the growth of maths, especially in number theory and algebra. An old text called the “Bakhshali Manuscript,” from the 2nd to 3rd centuries CE, shows us early uses of maths in India. Indian maths was the first in treating zero as a number and for its work in algebra and arithmetic. They also had unique ideas about geometry, different from Greek maths and later geometry.

Ancient Greece (c. 600 BCE)

The Greeks started formal maths with their philosophical and logical thinking. Before the Greeks, maths was more about practical examples than logic.

People like Pythagoras and Euclid did a lot for geometry and number theory. Euclid wrote a book called “Elements” around 300 BCE that shaped maths for a long time. Pythagoras is still remembered today, with things like the Pythagorean Theorem and Pythagorean triples named after him.

Euclid is famous as the “Father of Geometry” because he did much for the Theory of Proportions and Euclidean geometry. In simple words, Euclidean geometry is about studying shapes and figures using different rules and theories. Later, scholars like Omar Khayyam studied Euclid’s work during the Islamic Golden Age and found what they thought were mistakes, like the controversial parallel postulate.

Islamic Era (8th to 13th centuries CE)

During the Islamic Golden Era, Islamic scholars saved and built on the knowledge of mathematics of earlier societies. Important people like Al-Khwarizmi, known as the “Father of Algebra,” and Omar Khayyam, famous for his work in algebra and geometry, helped maths grow. By adding to the geometric ideas and different algorithms of those societies.

Maths grew slowly over thousands of years, with many cultures assisting it. Even though we can point to specific dates and events as necessary in the history of maths, it’s vital to remember that maths grew naturally. It was a group effort, with many people and cultures shaping it. The creation of maths shows how curious we are as humans and how much we love to explore intellectually.

Where Did The Invention Of Mathematics Take Place

Mathematics did not originate in one place; its invention took place in various parts of the world. With each region contributing unique ideas and perspectives that took part in the growth of knowledge of mathematics.


It lies between the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates and is known as the very first place of civilisation. This region’s Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians made essential contributions to early mathematics by creating structuring concepts such as numerical notation and basic arithmetic operations.


Ancient Egypt developed its mathematical traditions along the Nile River. When they needed precise measurements and calculations to build grand structures like the pyramids, which led to the development of this region’s geometry. Egyptian mathematics also played a crucial role in agriculture and land management.


The Indian subcontinent has a rich mathematical heritage that dates back thousands of years. Ancient Indian mathematicians made pioneering contributions to number theory, algebra, and geometry. Their texts, such as the “Bakhshali Manuscript” and the works of scholars like Brahmagupta, who wrote the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, continue to influence mathematical thought today.


Long ago, people in ancient Greece were eager to learn new concepts and ideas. Which lead to people explore mathematics. People like Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes were the first maths teachers. They were the first to teach about shapes (geometry), numbers (number theory), and mathematical proofs. What they did was so important that we still use it in maths today.


Chinese mathematicians made significant contributions to mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and number theory. They formed a complex decimal system and introduced the idea of negative numbers by 200 BCE. Their discoveries influenced Asian and Western mathematical traditions. However, the earliest known mathematical texts in China date back to around 300 BCE.

Early Islamic World:

During the Islamic era, the Middle East and North Africa became centres of mathematical scholarship. Scholars like Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Kindi, and Omar Khayyam made notable advancements in algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. Islamic mathematicians preserved and expanded upon the mathematical knowledge of earlier civilisations, like the ancient Greeks and Indians.


The Maya and Aztecs in the pre-Columbian Americas developed complex mathematical systems. The Maya created a sophisticated calendar system that involved advanced mathematical calculations intertwined with astronomy and timekeeping. Whereas, the Aztecs concocted a base-20 system and their unique symbols to track these numbers.

Different areas worldwide have developed unique maths ideas, often because of their specific needs and challenges. The wide range of maths inventions around the globe shows how curious humans are by nature. No matter where they are, humans can create and improve maths concepts, which is fantastic.

How Mathematics Was Formed 

Creating maths took a long time! It wasn’t just about finding number patterns but also creating organised methods, symbols, and deep thinking. To understand the people who invented maths, we need to explore the work and thoughts of the first mathematicians.

The Early Process Of Mathematics 

The first mathematicians used observation and trial-and-error to discover new maths ideas. Which they used to solve practical problems like trade, farming, and building. As time went on, these practical experiences helped them create general maths rules.

Symbolism & Notion: 

Creating maths symbols was a vital part of the growth of maths. These symbols and written maths ideas made sharing and keeping maths knowledge possible. However, it is important to understand that these symbols were not created in only one culture. Different cultures came up with their ways of writing maths. But over time, these symbols and ways of writing became more uniform.

Geometry, Arithmetic, and Measurement: 

Geometry was fundamental in the early growth of maths. Old cultures like the Egyptians and Greeks used geometry to measure land, build, and study stars. Moreover, geometry gave them a way to see and use maths in everyday life.

The Number Systems: 

People invented number systems, which were crucial for advancing in maths. Different cultures devised their number systems, like base-10, base-60, and base-20. Consequently, these systems made counting, maths, and keeping records more accessible. We still use these number systems in our maths today.

Foundations Of Philosophy:

The philosophy of maths was critical in its creation. For instance, Greek mathematicians invented maths based on solid proofs and logical thinking. These concepts of fundamental truths and logical reasoning set the foundation for the strictness we see in maths today.

Exchange Of Transcultural: 

When cultures mixed through trade and battles, they shared and combined their maths ideas and knowledge. After all, societies like to interact. The Silk Road, for example, helped share maths ideas between the East and West. This mixing of cultures made maths richer and led to new findings.

Keeping The Records And Texts: 

Writing down and saving maths knowledge in texts was essential for sharing it. As seen by the old texts, inscriptions, and manuscripts role in passing maths ideas from generation to generation. Like most old history, having a written text is essential for it to last.

Moreover, creating maths was a changing process that mixed practical needs with wanting to know more and sharing between cultures. It slowly improved methods, symbols, and philosophy. 

So, maths is more than just counting and measuring – it’s a universal language for abstract thinking and solving problems. The teamwork of early mathematicians, motivated by their time’s challenges, still shapes the maths we know today.

Mathematical Discovery According To Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution, which occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries, was a time of significant changes in how people thought about maths and science. Before this time, much of our knowledge came from ancient Greek thinkers. But during the Scientific Revolution, new ideas replaced these old ones.

During this period, they brought new experts into the limelight. They made many discoveries and contributions that changed how we understand the world. These people became famous and respected for their work.

Some of the key figures from this time include:

Sir Isaac Newton: He’s known for his laws of motion and universal gravitation. These ideas helped us understand how objects move and how gravity works.

Galileo Galilei: He’s famous for his work in astronomy. He made important discoveries about our solar system as the Earth revolves around the Sun.

René Descartes: He made significant contributions to the field of mathematics, particularly in developing analytic geometry. This branch of mathematics combines algebra and geometry and is fundamental to many areas of science and engineering.

Johannes Kepler: He’s known for his laws of planetary motion. These laws describe how planets move around the Sun.


During the Scientific Revolution, these people and many others greatly expanded our knowledge and understanding of the universe. Their work laid the foundation for many of today’s scientific and mathematical principles. This period was a significant turning point in history, leading to many technological advancements we enjoy in the modern world. 

The Modern-Day Maths We Know About

Mathematics is like a giant puzzle that humans have been solving for decades. It wasn’t formed by one person or at one specific time. Instead, it grew naturally because people needed it for daily tasks. For example, ancient farmers used basic maths to count animals and measure their fields. Over time, as civilisations became more complex, so did their mathematical needs. This led to the development of more advanced mathematical concepts.

Various cultures from around the globe have contributed to the development of mathematics. For example, the ancient Egyptians developed geometry to build their pyramids, while the ancient Greeks advanced logic and reasoning. In the Middle Ages, Islamic scholars preserved and expanded upon the mathematical knowledge of the Greeks. Later, European scholars used this knowledge during the Renaissance as a foundation for further advancements.

So, mathematics is not the invention of a single person or culture. It’s a collective achievement of human civilisation, with countless individuals contributing to its development over the decades. Each new mathematical discovery builds on the ones before it, creating a vast and intricate web of knowledge that continues to grow and evolve. 

This beauty of mathematics is a testament to human ingenuity and our ability to solve challenging issues. It’s a significant tool we’ve developed to understand and navigate the world. And as our world continues to evolve, so too will mathematics. The modern-day maths we know about owes its foundations to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Babylonians. However, it was the ancient Greeks, particularly mathematicians like Euclid, Pythagoras, and Archimedes, who laid down the formal framework of geometry, algebra, and calculus. Despite this rich history, it was Horace Mann, often credited as the “who invented school“, who championed the idea of compulsory education in the 19th century United States, ensuring that mathematics became a fundamental part of modern education worldwide.